Art is important to me, and I have always been producing something artistic since my late teens. These are the artistic disciplines in which I already have produced something. Other than these, I am slowly, but steadily, learning how to produce electronic music. Currently, I'm still learning the basics about turntabling, mixing, and synthesizers. I plan to someday produce tracks in the hardstep and industrial genres, but I always toy with the idea of creating a new genre, not quite techno-punk, but something in that vein. Also, I know that someday, when I am more well-rounded as an artist, I will create multimedia art, but I still have a lot to learn and figure out how to construct multimedia artworks. My Written ArtThe artistic discipline in which I am most proficient is in writing for the performing arts. I studied and wrote screenplays for many years, from 2004 until 2017, with a hiatus of six years from 2007 until 2012. I studied a lot but didn't produce much. I wrote seven feature-length movie scripts, plus a treatment that I never cared to develop into a script. Of those, four are post-cyberpunk stories, and the rest are horror yarns. When I say I studied a lot I'm not referring to the technique. I must have read half a dozen books that teach you how to write screenplays. What I mean is that I did a lot of movie watching to correlate what I was learning to how it's actually executed in movies. My problem with screenplay writing is that I like writing scripts, but I don't enjoy reading them. To be a good screenplay writer you need to have a passion for scripts and read all the best movie scripts of the genres you care about, and never stop reading them, but that is something that is too tedious for me, that I don't enjoy in the least. Of all the screenplays I wrote, I marketed only one. I bought the Hollywood directory and using it, I sent around seven hundred emails to the companies and producers I thought would be a good fit for my script. Those emails were query letters, meaning that I wrote them asking them for permission to send them the scripts. From those seven-hundred emails, I received a lot of rejection notices, and only two replies giving me permission to send them the script. I sent them the spec script, and never heard back from them. I followed up, and they didn't reply. When I started to work as a digital communicator I ditched the screenplay writing completely. My Visual Art![]() Lately, the design and plastic arts are what interest me the most in the artistic take on life. I am still working on developing my own style, by means of studying all the artists that I love, and others that I'm not so much enthusiastic about too. Five of the artists that I love the most, that I am sure are going to be an influence on my plastic and design output:
In fact, I am at the stage of learning to use the tools more than developing my style, but obviously, that part of my artistic formation gets worked out while learning the technical side of the tools. My Videogame DesignLast summer I started developing a videogame. Indie video game development as a one-man operation is super hard and I am falling behind my schedule. I gave myself one year to develop a rather small, not very ambitious project, but I am having trouble with the development environment I chose (RPG Maker). The game I am developing is not a traditional RPG, but something kind of innovative with technical requirements that RPG Maker happens to fulfill. RPG Maker is a very easy-to-use game dev toolkit, but still, it has several quirks and concepts that are very hard for me to understand, namely, the process of importing and using custom assets. Before mid-2022 I will organize myself in this aspect and I will probably start a crowdfunding campaign. At the same time, I will build a team of up to six people to finish this little first project. Listen to me people, if you are interested in developing indie video games, if you love the horror genre, and if you would like to work with me on my project, please use the contact form on this website and tell me about yourself. The idea is not to work for free on spec, but actually get funded and be compensated for our efforts during the development phase, and then take the game to market and profit from sales. © 2022 Bhoelnath Valsan — About my Art [ Work ] | [ Leisure ] | [ Art ] | [ Personal Info ] | [ Social Profiles ] | [ Links ] | [ Guestbook ] Media CreditsThanks to all these persons, who kindly shared sourced media with permissive CC licenses. IQRemix: Rutherford Manor Haunt - Edmonton / Hans Splinter: tinsmith at the midwinter fair / Stephen Day: Haunted House / Boris Kasimov: _BRK5851 (1) / waferboard: red mask / JBLM MWR: IMG_9246 / MockLogic: Haunted TV / anna-maria v: haunted hause 2 / K Tao: Souls of the Forsaken / Steve Snodgrass: Haunted House Ride / leKorbo.be: Kelgelbahn / Mel Possehl: weathervane-191076_1280 / Lee Russell: Abandoned Nursing Home