In the best tradition of personal static websites, here is a guestbook where you can express your feelings and thoughts on Bholenath, this website, or the sites it links to. Please scroll down to sign the guestbook. Guestbook RulesEntries with bad words won't be censored, but please curtail your use of expletives to the strictly necessary. If you post an entry with profanity words, make sure that you aren't naming any third party, otherwise, the entry will not pass moderation. Remember that, as per Neocities' Terms of Use, you can't post any "abusive, deceptive, defamatory, fraudulent, harassing, illegal, libelous, profane, or vulgar material, or material encouraging conduct that may constitute a criminal offense or result in civil liability." You can add links and images to your entries. If your comment contains links, images, or profanity, it needs to be moderated. I will be checking moderated comments once a week, so don't despair if your comment doesn't appear right away. You can comment anonymously, but anonymous messages go to the moderation inbox too, so it may take up to one week for anonymous messages to appear in the guestbook. Media CreditsThanks to all these persons, who kindly shared sourced media with permissive CC licenses. IQRemix: Rutherford Manor Haunt - Edmonton / Hans Splinter: tinsmith at the midwinter fair / Stephen Day: Haunted House / Boris Kasimov: _BRK5851 (1) / waferboard: red mask / JBLM MWR: IMG_9246 / MockLogic: Haunted TV / anna-maria v: haunted hause 2 / K Tao: Souls of the Forsaken / Steve Snodgrass: Haunted House Ride / leKorbo.be: Kelgelbahn / Mel Possehl: weathervane-191076_1280 / Lee Russell: Abandoned Nursing Home![]() [ Work ] | [ Leisure ] | [ Art ] | [ Personal Info ] | [ Social Profiles ] | [ Links ] | [ Guestbook] |