![]() On this page, you will find links to odd places on the interwebs that I consider worthy of sharing with others. All links open in a new browser tab, in the unlikely case that you want to return to this page and try another site. Web 1.0 LinksVintage Search EnginesI don't get all the whining about how the web is not what it used to be a generation ago, due to it being co-opted by large search engine corporations that do it for the money$. An unbelievable 50% of the search engine choice that was around twenty to twenty-five years ago is still around. Just take a look at the list of the top ten search engines of twenty years ago, the ones in bold are still around:
Here are links to the 50% of that list that's still extant:
Take a look at this ancient Angelfire page, and you will notice that we are living in a kind of self-imposed monopolistic situation. There isn't a lack of ways to surf the net like it was 1995, what we have here is a failure to de-googlate. Geocities ArchivesIf your thing is surfing half-assed, never finished websites with cannibalized assets, centered text, dumb color combinations, vomitive busy backgrounds, and the usability of rocks, then by all means you should use these GeoCities archives to find them.
Old Sites @ Archive.org LinksHere are links to some sites that I like that are defunct, but their archival copies on Archive.org can still be navigated: [ pending ] Indie Web Search Engines LinksMost of the sites I found through these indie web search engines are non-SSL-compliant. What's more, they are the typical late 1990s, early 2000s kind of low-effort, static websites that you can find on Archive.org or in the GeoCities archives. Point in case, it serves old sites that are still online, something that is very rare to find in any of the mainstream search engines. Wiby: It has a random search feature. Just click on the Surprise Me Link, and the engine will take you to a random old site. You can find very astonishing stuff this way. Many of the random sites it dished out to me were NeoCities ones. FrogFind: Powered by DuckDuckGo. A no-frills search engine that was created to use with old computers running out-of-date browsers. If you use primitive hardware or software, then this search engine is guaranteed to work with it. Indie Web SitesCheapskate's Guide: This is one of the first indie websites that I visited (circa March 2022) and the one that inspired me to create Zany Hovel. I can relate a lot to the information on this website because the first web 2.0 websites I created back then in late 2011 were self-hosted at the hardware level, meaning that I ran a web server on an old PC in my home. Other SitesDeep Web and Private Search Engines LinksThese search engines don't require TOR, but can be accessed through the BergieWeb. Caution: not all of these are private search engines, you will have to read the information on the sites to find out if they are. The search engines' own slogans are in italic emphasis.
© Bholenath Valsan 2022 — Interesting Links [ Work ] | [ Leisure ] | [ Art ] | [ Personal Info ] | [ Social Profiles ] | [ Links ] | [ Guestbook ] Media CreditsThanks to all these persons, who kindly shared sourced media with permissive CC licenses. IQRemix:
Rutherford Manor Haunt - Edmonton / Hans
Splinter: tinsmith at the midwinter fair / Stephen
Day: Haunted House / Boris
Kasimov: _BRK5851 (1) / waferboard:
red mask / JBLM
MWR: IMG_9246 / MockLogic:
Haunted TV / anna-maria v: haunted hause 2 / K
Tao: Souls of the Forsaken / Steve Snodgrass: Haunted House Ride / leKorbo.be: Kelgelbahn / Mel
Possehl: weathervane-191076_1280 / Lee
Russell: Abandoned Nursing Home